List of Article of Interest to RVers
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RVers Online Editorials (Click Here)
- Off the Beaten Path:A whimsical "short story" with a message that resonates with many RVers and those who aspire to that status.
- Reader Review of Tailgater Satellite Dish: One of the lower cost options for receiving a satellite TV signal in your RV is a Winegard product that's relatively easy to set up and use. Here are some TIPS for those considering this option...
- Using HDMI in your RV (e.g. Netflix): Leo Everitt gives a quick lesson how how you can take advantage of your laptop's capability to enjoy great entertainment in your RV travels.
- Professional RV Driving Tips:While not a substitute for taking the full course yourself, read this one to get some of the key teaching points from professional drivers.
- How to Sell Your RV: Sooner or later we all find ourselves in the position of finding the best way to sell an RV. With the internet as a new option, the selling techniques are now quite different. Bob Gummersall steps out of his role as our Chief Technical Advisor to share some very helpful tips on how to be successful when it comes time to sell your rig.
- How to Sell Your RV -- An Updated Perspective: We learned that that large numbers of RVers prize unbiased and non-commercial guidance on selling a used RV. Our initial article has been widelly read for years. So when it came time for us to "downsize", we actually experienced the process first hand -- and decided there are additional tips we think RVers should consider when selling a used RV.
- Extended Warranty Coverage: We examine the sometimes confusing world of insurance polices that offer extended warranty coverage on the purchase of new RVs. There may be more questions than answers here -- but the questions, too, are quite important...
- Motorhome Suspension and Handling:While we may be attracted to interior design features, knowing what's going on in the chassis is equally important.
- "Home State" Considerations for Full Time RVers
- The "Case For" Supplemental Braking Systems:This is of course a pure issue of highway safety. Consider the persuasive reasons for using one!
- What to Look for in a Supplemental Braking System:While there are many new options on the market, here are some of the basics you'll want to consider.
- Discovery Coast Passage: Though now an archive file, we document our extensive travels utilizing the BC Ferry option.
- Pre-Delivery Inspection Tips: Bob Gummersall provides an extensive checklist of precisely what any new RV owner should do when picking up a new RV at the factory. And this applies with equal force to deliveries at the dealer, or picking up a previously loved unit from the former owner. [Updated 05/11]
- Best Value: New or Used? Bob Gummersall has done extensive research into this perplexing question. He traces the "depreciation" curve to see which option makes the most economic sense. While there may be other factors which influence a buying choice, in terms of "value" this makes a persuasive case (updated 03/05).
- Shipping an RV Overseas: There are services that can handle this chore for you, and here are a few tips on things you'll want to consider.
- What Tools Should RVers Carry? Of course this depends on your "fixit" capabilities. Here's a list for RVers of different skill levels.
- RVing with Oxygen: Bob Gummersall describes how even a requirement of 24/7 oxygen need not keep those with a true RVing spirit from their RVing travels. Lots of great information here.
- Tips for Foreign RVers Touring the US: Tony Dawkins is a reader in Australia who is currently touring the US in a fifth wheel. He offers a number of helpful suggestions for those contemplating extended RV travels in this country.
- Full Timing - Expectations and Realities: We've often suspected idyllic stories about full timing might lack a bit of the realism we sometimes see in talking to RVers in our own travels. Gene Rusco wrote an article here in 2001 outlining his experience in being drawn into the full time lifestyle some 5 years ago. After two plus years he returned to "regular" life, and in this article discusses the reason for giving up his life on the road -- at least for now.
- The Real Affect of Fuel Cost -- Without Emotion: We're all quite aware of the significant increase in the cost of the fuel we purchase to operate our RVs. But what is the real economic impact of these higher prices? Bob Gummersall takes an objective look at this issue, and offers up a spreadsheet you can use yourself to see just how higher fuel prices will impact your RVing lifestyle.
- Repairing Day/Night Shades: Thanks to a reader who shared with us instructions on how to repair one of these pesky critters.
- RV Park Design Considerations: We've had many readers inquire of us what they need to consider before building a new RV park, or upgrading an older park. To have something at the site we can point to that resonds to this inquiry, we've compiled a list of things we believe should be used as part of any such analysis.
- How Can I Keep my House Batteries Charged?What you need to know about options for having adequate DC power available when you need it.
- GPS Navigation for your RV: When we purchased a mid-sized GPS unit for our RV, we found many features that were both helpful and useful in our RV travels. This article explores the use of a Garmin StreetPilot 2620...
- Buying a Used RV:One of the most frequent questions asked by our readers: What do I need to consider when buying a used RV? Find answers here..
- How Much Should I Pay for a New RV?Another oft asked question. Of course there's no scientfic formula to suggest as a response. But here's information that you should know.
- A Primer for Overseas RV Visitors: David Berry, a resident of the UK, brought his RV to the US and enjoyed extended RV travels in this country. His solution of the complexities of shipping an RV, Insurance, Registration, and general travel tips for overseas RVers are detailed in this important contribution.
- Buying Tips: Russell Warren offers up some valuable guidance for RVers who are about to select a new coach -- and what to do at that point to help ensure a successful buyiing experience.
- Towing Tips: After collecting numerous reader comments on tips for towing, one reader summarizes his findings to share with all RVers.
- Gas versus Diesel: One of the age old questions was discussed here many years ago. While the costs of fuel and capital are vastly different today, the format for making an intelligent choice are set forth here in a timeless manner
- Park Owner Concerns: We've done surveys of RVers in the past, but when we had an opportunity to survey the concerns and complaints of RV park owners, we couldn't resist. This article rates 15 issues which park owners identify as issues, and rates them according to their perceived importance.
- To Board or Not to Board: That's the question we've seen in one form or another from readers periodically. While we appreciate there's no "right answer" for all pet owners -- or for all pets either -- Stephanie decided to serve up a bit of what we've learned on our travels. Hopefully others might find some pointers here.
- Primer on Air Systems for Heavy Vehicles: Here is information that we think is essential reading for all big rig owners. Of particular importance is the procedure recommended to ensure your air brakes are in safe operating condition.
- BOONDOCKING ETIQUETTE: Bob Gummersall provides an overview of boondocking options for RVers, pointing out issues of selection, safety, comfort, and etiquette. This is must reading for RVers contemplating overnight stops at truck stops, rest stops, retail outlets, or on other private or public properties.
- SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES: For our RV park owners and managers -- we give some feedback on some of the messages you're sending -- perhaps unintentionally. There are some positive ways to make sure that reasonable park rules are understood and observed.
- WHAT MAKES A GOOD RV PARK? A question posted in our Mailbox by a manager of an RV park in North Idaho asked readers to comment on what they look for in selecting an RV campground. We couldn't resist the temptation to join in the reply. We recognize these are our own preferences, and that others would have different ideas...
- TRAILER or MOTORHOME? Is this really The Great Debate? Or are there some common sense factors that you can consider in deciding which of these two competing RV lifestyles is best for you?
- Fuel Cost Impacts: Are there considerations that we need to be aware of that go beyond just the pure economic impacts of higher fuel prices?
- COUNTY RV PARKS: MISSED OPPORTUNITIESIt never ceases to amaze that so very few county and local governments fail to realize a potentially valuable opportunity to put vacant lands to a productive new use...
- RV COURTESY: LET THEM PASS! Anyone that has ever followed an RV on a two-lane highway traveling a bit slower than the flow of traffic will surely relate to this one!
- FUEL PRICES: ROOT CAUSES: When we asked one of our experts for an explanation of what's driving the unhappy story of higher fuel costs, we had a response that we thought deserved sharing with our readers.
- RV DRIVER COURTESY: Before we complain about those "little car" drivers, it's best that we consider what we may be doing to create that issue.
- REFLECTIONS ON RV DEALERS: RVers may be contributing to the all-too-many instances of bad dealer experiences. It doesn't need to be that way.
- GUEST EDITIORIAL: Further Thoughts on the Newbie Issue by Joan Taylor provide insightful comments on the bigger issues involved here.
- WHAT EVERY NEWBIE NEEDS TO KNOW: We take a look at the emerging problem baby boomers encounter as they leap from no experience to a large, sophisticated motorhome or fifth wheel.
- IMPROVING THE ODDS ON YOUR NEXT SERVICE VISIT: It's not surprising that many RVers dread the thought of taking their rigs in for service calls. Too often things seem to take far too long, and the results are less than satisfactory. But there are some things that we as RVers can do to improve the chances that the service experience can be a positive one. Here are our views on that subject...
- AN RVer's PERSPECTIVE ON SERVICE: We've previously written an article describing steps that an RVer can take to help ensure a successful experience with a service appointment. This time we turn the table, and talk about service appointments from the RVers perspective.
- THE "Walmart" ISSUE: The words "Walmart" can conjure up dramatically different emotions among some RVers and park owners. In fairness, it is far more than just one "RVer friendly" chain of malls -- it is the entire concept of free overnight camping. In a broader context, it goes to the essence of "boondocking", which many RVers see as one of the essential purposes of RVing. While RVers and private park owners are sometimes seen as extremely hostile towards one another on this issue, we offer a different analysis -- one which we think can lead to a "win/win" situation.
- WHAT MAKES A "GOOD" RV PARK? We've long thought that the RV parks that we want to go back to time and again have some common characteristics. With the benefit of comments from many of our readers, we've distilled what we think are generally agreed things that RVers are really looking for when the plan for their next stopover. We also cannot resist what we consider fair comment on the predominantly used rating system.
- NEEDED: A NEW RV PARK RATING SYSTEM. A story that is told by a veteran RV park owner, and documents the problems encountered with the current rating process.